Rozdíly ve verzích písničky Travellin' Light

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Verze z 24. 11. 2015 12:40 Aktuální verze
Název Travellin' Light Travellin' Light
Interpret JJ Cale JJ Cale
YouTube Návod

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  1. [F#m]Travelin' light, [Amaj]is the only way to fly   [F#m]Travelin' light, [Amaj]just you and I   [Amaj]One-way ticket to [F#m]ecstasy   [Amaj]Way on down, [F#m]follow me   [F#m]Travelin' light, i[Amaj]s the only way to fly      2. Travelin' light, we can go beyond   Travelin' light, we can catch the wind   Travelin' light, let your mind pretend   We can go to paradise   Maybe once, maybe twice   Travelin' light, is the only way to fly