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Toss a coin to yout wtcher
Toss a coin to yout witcher
Sonya Belousova
Sonya Belousova
YouTube Návod
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CAPO: 1 1: [Am]When a humble bard, [D]graced a ride along, [Dm]with Geralt of Rivia. [Em]along came this song[Dsus2].[Em7][Fdim] E:|---0------------ B:|-------3---3---3 G:|-2---2---2---2-- D:|---------------- 2: When the White Wolf fought, E:|---0------------ B:|-------3---3---3 G:|---------------- D:|-4---4---4---4-- a silver-tongued devil, E:|---0------------ B:|-------3---3---3 G:|---------------- D:|-3---3---3---3-- his army of elves, E:|---0------------ B:|-------3---3---3 G:|-0---0---0---0-- D:|---------------- at his hooves did they revel. 3: They came after me, with masterful deceit, broke down my lute and, they kicked in my teeth. 4: While the devil's horns, minced our tender meat, and so cried the Witcher, E:|---0------------ B:|-------3---3---3 G:|-0---0---0---1-- D:|---------------- "He can't be bleat!". [[Dsus2 xx0230]] [[Fdim xx3434]] ---> R: [Am]Toss a [Ammaj7]coin to your [Am7]Witcher! O [D]Valley of [Am]Plenty! O [D]Valley of [Am]Plenty! [Am]Toss a [Am maj7]coin to your [Am7]Witcher! O [D]Valley of [Esus]Plenty![E] E:|------------- B:|-3h5p3-----2- G:|-------5p4-3- D:|-----------3- A:|-----------0- E:|------------- 4: [Am]At the edge of the world, [D]fight the mighty horn, [F]that bashes and breaks you, [G]and brings you to mourn.[F7][G][Fdim] 5: He thrust every elf, far back on the shelf, high up on the mountain, from whence it came. 6: He wiped out your pest, got kicked in his chest, he's a friend of humanity, so give him the rest. 7: That's my epic tale, our champion prevailed, defeated the villain, now pour him some ale. (F7 G) R: [: + a friend of humanity. :] 3x [[Ammaj7 x02110]] [[Esus 033300]]